Alternate Paths Workshop
Friday, September 4th (17:00 – 20:00)
The “Alternate Paths” workshops invite participants to follow hikes with local and internationalartists and filmmakers in unexplored areas of Syros. The aim of “Alternate Paths” is for participants to approach the past and present of the island in a more complex, experiential way. Workshop sessions will include organized walks to destinations that are not usually those of the mainstream trend of tourism, during which participants will record their experiences in digital media.
This year, during the 8th Syros International Film Festival edition, a one-day workshop will beheld in collaboration with the Greek visual artist Dimitra Kondylatou, who has chosen to focus on the site of Lazareta. The current COVID-19 pandemic and its resultant precautionarymeasures, their direct link to travel and their impact on movement and tourism, find a historicalprecedent in the “lazaretto” structure type, the first organized quarantine facilities for travelersand goods. The historic lazaretto of Syros and its general neighborhood, now known as“Lazareta” on the island, will be the central site from which to consider historical, geopolitical, theoretical and experiential approaches of space, travel and health management, acrossdifferent times. More specifically, the artist will organize a walking session, and, together with the workshop participants, will document the walk and compile a small archive of digital images, which will be the basis for her next moving-image project. The final piece will be presented at SIFF in July2021.
The workshop will take place once on Friday, September 4th over three hours (17:00 – 20:00)and is offered to the public free of charge. Participants will not exceed the number of ten (10)people. To reserve a spot in the workshop, please send an email including your name and phonenumber to by August 28th.